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Philip Schiavoni

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Philip Schiavoni serves as Area Director, supervising campus staff members in the Mid-Atlantic region.

The CCO's ministry at Shippensburg University had such a great impact on Phil's faith development as a college student that he returned to his alma mater to give back some of what he received. After graduating in 2005, he joined CCO and worked in partnership with Shippensburg First Church of God to reach out to students. In 2014, he transitioned to the role of Staff Director.

"My CCO campus ministers, Dave McBride and Mike O'Brien, were huge influences on me," Phil says. "They challenged me with tough questions about my heart, my goals, my relationships and how I viewed ministry. They dealt with me with truth, but also a sense of grace that was refreshing. I continue to work for the CCO because I get to use my gifts and strengths to love Jesus by supervising and serving those who are serving college students."

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